Donations are tax deductible.
Any donation, big or small, is very important. If you would like to further discuss, please contact:
CHF 250 for an aged women residential care (food, clothing, medicines) for a year
CHF 300 Residential support for women in difficulties for a year
CHF 450 for a girl child residential care for a year
CHF 200 for livelihood support for a women
CHF 350 for a child’s education for a year
CHF 100 for eye care surgery (Keratoplasty) to get vision

CHF account
Bank name: PostFinance
Account no. 14-422813-5
Clearing no. 09000
IBAN: CH89 0900 0000 1442 2813 5
Bank address : PostFinance SA, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Berne, Switzerland
Reference: In favor of Global Initiative for Health and Development (GIHD)