• Post box no. 237, 1218 Le Grand Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland
  • +41 79 932 99 88

Grassroot Organizations

Vasavya Mahila Mandali

Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM) was established in 1969 with Gandhian ideology as a not for profit secular voluntary organization is working in the rural as well as urban areas of Andhra Pradesh, India. VMM works with a vision to promote comprehensive social, economic and political development for women, children and youth in vulnerable situations, there by empowering communities in Andhra Pradesh to improve their quality of life, and build a better civil society in India.


VMM works with a network of NGOs on health and development issues with a specific focus on women, children and elderly. It reaches out to hundreds of thousands of poor women, children and elderly through community based projects. In health, the focus of work include HIV/AIDS prevention and care and support, TB control, community health care, and skill development. Specifically for women, girls and children, it runs working women’s hospital, Residential Special Training Centre for Urban Deprived girl children, sponsorship programme for orphans and vulnerable children.

Care International

CARE is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is nonsectarian, impartial, and non-governmental. It is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian aid organizations focused on fighting global poverty. They "work around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice."

Their Vision: "We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and securityWe put women and girls in the centre because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities." 

Their main principles include: 

  • Promote empowerment
  • Work in partnership with others ·
  • Ensure accountability and promote responsibility
  • Address discrimination
  • Promote the non-violent resolution of conflicts
  • Seek sustainable results

Associaçao Moçambicana na Suiça  


The Mozambican Association in Switzerland aims to unite the Mozambican community in Switzerland and to promote Mozambican cultural actions. It was founded as an NGO on October 2016. It is a legal person governed by private non-profit law and is governed by these statutes and applicable and politically neutral law. They work to encourage, support and promote regular workshops, conferences in areas of interest to the community and friends of the Mozambican community in Switzerland. They have helped the victims of the IDAI Cyclone which is one of the worst natural disasters affecting Mozambique central provinces that normally have no experience with cyclones and therefore were unprepared to deal with them. 

Sparsh Hospice  

Sparsh Hospice, established in September 2011 is an initiative of Rotary Club of Banjara Hills (District RI 3150) under a separately constituted Trust named as Rotary Club of Banjara Hills Charitable Trust. Sparsh Hospice is a Centre for Palliative Care for terminally ill cancer patients.When the ‘treatment to cure’ is no longer effective, patients opt for hospice care, where the curative care is of low importance, whereas making the remaining life of the patient better is the main agenda. Palliative care helps in moderating physical pain and emotional sorrow by making it easier to bear for the patient. It is a special care that helps ‘alleviate pain without curing’. All services at Sparsh Hospice are provided absolutely free of cost, no hidden charges, no surprises. Free services include accommodation and food, medical professional services, equipment and pharmaceutical goods, hygiene and sanitation products etc. used in treatments given to patients. 

Their Vision: "Our long term vision is to be able to continue to provide exceptional palliative care services, free of cost, to terminally ill patients hailing from all sections of the society." 

Their Mission (as quoted from their website): 

  • To render differential palliative care service to add value and provide comfort in the end-of-life days of terminally ill patients.
  • To organise and execute awareness programmes on palliative care in communities across the state and beyond.
  • To encourage and facilitate practical training in palliative care among healthcare professionals serving critical and terminal patients.
  • To help facilitate study and research on palliative care and hospice centres.
  • To provide care and compassion by holding hands and addressing patients with utmost dignity and respect and offer them ‘a serene and dignified departure’ from this world.
  • To permanently get onboard and collaborate with noted philanthropists, corporations and foundations to help fulfill our vision.

Pallium India   

Pallium India is a national registered charitable trust formed in 2003 with the following vision and mission:

"An India in which palliative care is integrated in all health care so that every person has access to effective pain relief and quality palliative care along with disease–specific treatment and across the continuum of care."  Thier mission is "to catalyze the development of effective pain relief and quality palliative care services and their integration in health care across India through delivery of services, education, building capacities, policy, research, advocacy and information."

Pallium India also works with Central and State Governments for

  • integrating palliative care into the Health Care System
  • facilitating palliative care education and
  • improving access to essential and affordable medicines like morphine and other opioids
  • conducting need-based research, and
  • disseminating information